Volume in drive C has no label. Volume Serial Number is C850-E5B5 Directory of C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\DESKTOP\www save\mac 1\argus 5\doing 1 07/04/2001 11:17p . 07/04/2001 11:17p .. 03/09/1995 10:35p 2,048 a man's life 11/06/1995 08:51p 2,560 ANGRY 01/04/1996 11:05p 6,656 ccl goals fy96 01/17/1996 09:46p 3,072 DINOSAUR 02/17/1995 08:22p 2,560 do the job 07/04/2001 11:17p 0 filelist.txt 01/15/1996 07:33p 3,584 generations 01/24/1996 05:25p 4,608 HOMELESS 11/29/1995 11:30p 13,312 Index 07/25/1995 10:27p 2,560 INFO 04/27/1995 09:16p 2,560 little things 07/12/1995 11:22p 6,144 mgr & wkr 06/14/1995 03:55p 5,632 rich_poor 01/24/1996 05:24p 4,608 sweatshop 04/18/1995 07:32p 3,072 tax attack 06/21/1995 09:18p 2,560 words 6_95 12/13/1995 03:43p 3,584 xmas 95 17 File(s) 69,120 bytes 2 Dir(s) 27,630,749,696 bytes free