Archive of Jack Balshaw's newspaper columns from 1994 thru 2009 (the Argus Courier)
Column Published
2 sides.doc 1994
A-B team.doc 1994
after e.doc 1994
after elections.doc 1994
Alone.doc 1994
argus 5 1994
auto mall.doc 1994
bonds-taxes.doc 1994
budget 96.doc 1994
capital gains.doc 1994
casino.doc 1994
CBD vision.doc 1994
CCl goals 96.doc 1994
census.doc 1994
change.doc 1994
col 1 yr.doc 1994
conspiracy.doc 1994
councilmember.doc 1994
Crisis mgt.doc 1994
Critics.doc 1994
davis trial.doc 1994
drug dog.doc 1994
drug talk only.doc 1994
eat cake HMO.doc.doc 1994
edu 1.doc 1994
edu 2.doc 1994
edu 3.doc 1994
Enola Gay.doc 1994
experts.doc 1994
extremism.doc 1994
Family-corp gypsys.doc 1994
fed budget cuts.doc 1994
fed shutdown.doc 1994
flat tax.doc 1994
flood&ss.doc 1994
gangs.doc 1994
gingrich.doc 1994
govt.doc 1994
grocery strike.doc 1994
haiti.doc 1994
Health care 95.doc 1994
health care.doc 1994
invisible.doc 1994
Is there a job.doc.doc 1994
Kenilworth jr high.doc 1994
kenilworth lu.doc 1994
lafferty again.doc 1994
lafferty-democ.doc 1994
lakeville ct.doc 1995
lead,follow.doc 1995
lead-love.doc 1995
legality vs justice.doc 1995
letters to ed.doc 1995
Little things.doc 1995
lobbiests interest.doc 1995
local elections.doc 1995
manage news.doc 1995
med 900.doc 1995
med mal pract.doc 1995
Mid class.doc 1995
money.doc 1995
no easy sol.doc 1995
numbers.doc 1995
old issues.doc 1995
one for one.doc 1995
open space.doc 1995
p morris.doc 1995
Paranoid.doc 1995
part of whole.doc 1995
phomics.doc 1995
pity ccl.doc 1995
police reorg.doc 1995
police reorganization.doc 1995
police stats.doc 1995
pomo casino.doc 1995
rainier 1.doc.doc 1995
rainier 2.doc 1995
retail.doc 1995
score.doc 1995
Scratch.doc 1995
so what.doc 1995
steel wheel 1.doc 1995
steel wheel 2.doc 1995
TLC.doc 1995
tobacco.doc 1995
tommy.doc 1995
Trends.doc 1995
truth abt rainier.doc 1995
truth.doc 1995
viewpoint change.doc 1995
wake up.doc 1995
walmart.doc 1995
welfare joey.doc 1995
where from here.doc.doc 1995
Whining.doc 1995
whitewater.doc 1995
who is right.doc 1995
womens fault.doc 1995
words.doc 1995
Blackie 2.doc 1996
Buchanan.doc 1996
Business or job.doc 1996
CCL selection.doc 1996
City Council goals.doc 1996
City manager position.doc 1996
Civility.doc 1996
Consistency.doc 1996
DINOSAUR.doc 1996
Double standard.doc 1996
Easy Targets.doc 1996
Education isn't enough.doc 1996
Election 96.doc 1996
Flight 800.doc 1996
Free market.doc 1996
Grocery stores.doc 1996
Invisible government.doc 1996
Lafferty ballot.doc 1996
Lolita.doc 1996
Medical research.doc 1996
Min wage & gas $.doc 1996
Muck.doc 1996
No heroes.doc 1996
Nobody.doc 1996
Organ donations.doc 1996
Partisan politics.doc 1996
Perot debate.doc 1996
Perspective.doc 1996
Prayer in school.doc 1996
Preaching to the Choir.doc 1996
Professional help.doc 1996
Selective stupidity.doc 1996
Sewer commission.doc 1996
Sewer duel.doc 1996
SS&stock mkt.doc 1996
Studs T-70.doc 1996
Sum Info.doc 1996
Technology trickledown.doc 1996
The new Council.doc 1996
The religious wrong.doc 1996
Those who know.doc 1996
Three cheers.doc 1996
Thumbs.db 1996
Transportation comments.doc 1996
True believers.doc 1996
Village.doc 1996
Will they never learn.doc 1996
Xmas 96.doc 1996
Airline strike.doc 1997
always wrong.doc 1997
Animal rights.doc 1997
Blissful ignorance.doc 1997
Buy now.doc 1997
CBD sparc.doc 1997
City budget.doc 1997
Closed sessions.doc 1997
Council 3-97.doc 1997
Council control.doc 1997
Council items.doc 1997
Crisis at City Hall.doc 1997
Diverse topics.doc 1997
Drugs.doc 1997
Fashion notes.doc 1997
Games.doc 1997
Government by theory.doc 1997
Is medicine safe.doc 1997
laws.doc 1997
Learn from mistakes.doc 1997
Lt Kelly flinn.doc 1997
Money corrupts.doc 1997
new city mgr.doc 1997
New Government.doc 1997
New math.doc 1997
New sweatshops.doc 1997
New Years 98.doc 1997
No guarantees.doc 1997
Perfect highway.doc 1997
Police paradox.doc 1997
Potpourri 1.doc 1997
Privacy.doc 1997
Proportional fines.doc 1997
Race.doc 1997
Rail specifications.doc 1997
Rich toys.doc 1997
Right to die 2.doc 1997
Right to die.doc 1997
Simple solutions.doc 1997
study of 101.doc 1997
system.doc 1997
Teens.doc 1997
The cloning.doc 1997
Thumbs.db 1997
Tobacco.doc 1997
Truth on 101.doc 1997
Unintended consequences.doc 1997
Ups  2.doc 1997
Ups.doc 1997
Victims.doc 1997
Voters decision.doc 1997
Wastewater.doc 1997
Wonderful life.doc 1997
1984.doc 1998
85% solution.doc 1998
bilingual.doc 1998
Christmas.doc 1998
Citizen review.doc 1998
Clinton.doc 1998
Council actions.doc 1998
Debate.doc 1998
Delay.doc 1998
Dialog.doc 1998
Dog pound.doc 1998
Edf.doc 1998
education.doc 1998
Election 98.doc 1998
Environmentalists.doc 1998
Facts.doc 1998
Forward to the past.doc 1998
Giving season.doc 1998
Gun safety.doc 1998
Injustice.doc 1998
Labor.doc 1998
Lad.doc 1998
Leadership.doc 1998
Liberals.doc 1998
Mattei.doc 1998
Media.doc 1998
No facts.doc 1998
Old is back.doc 1998
Old times.doc 1998
Old.doc 1998
Open space.doc 1998
Organ donations.doc 1998
Perception.doc 1998
Petaluma Serbs.doc 1998
Primary comments.doc 1998
Prison industry .doc 1998
Race 2.doc 1998
Race.doc 1998
Rainier-698.doc 1998
Roundabout.doc 1998
shooting.doc 1998
Social Security.doc 1998
Starr report.doc 1998
Thumbs.db 1998
Today.doc 1998
UGB meeting.doc 1998
UGB.doc 1998
Urban myth.doc 1998
Voice recognition.doc 1998
Vote against advise.doc 1998
What now for 101.doc 1998
Work.doc 1998
Worms.doc 1998
A thousand years.doc 1999
Answers.doc 1999
Antibiotics.doc 1999
Bay Fleet Local.doc 1999
Between commercials.doc 1999
Biotech food.doc 1999
Christmas.doc 1999
critical.doc 1999
Dilemma.doc 1999
Doctors.doc 1999
Dual std.doc 1999
Education downer.doc 1999
Euro.doc 1999
Family values.doc 1999
Funding 101.doc 1999
General plan.doc 1999
Guns.doc 1999
Inconsistencies.doc 1999
Insiders.doc 1999
Jfk.doc 1999
Kenilworth5.doc 1999
Kosovo 2.doc 1999
Kosovo.doc 1999
Misc thoughts.doc 1999
Misleading info.doc 1999
Motherhood.doc 1999
Motorists.doc 1999
New Jr High.doc 1999
News coverage.doc 1999
Open space.doc 1999
Potpourri.doc 1999
Privacy.doc 1999
Professionals.doc 1999
Rainier 99.doc 1999
Rainier WMHB.doc 1999
Salary.doc 1999
Sandbox.doc 1999
Shooting.doc 1999
Sky is falling.doc 1999
Sleep.doc 1999
Stocks.doc 1999
Tax day.doc 1999
Telecommute.doc 1999
Telecommuting part 2.doc 1999
The 1999Council.doc 1999
Thumbs.db 1999
Time to relax.doc 1999
Too fast.doc 1999
Ventura.doc 1999
Wastewater.doc 1999
What now.doc 1999
Whine country.doc 1999
Working poor.doc 1999
Y2k.doc 1999
Angels.doc 2000
Approach.doc 2000
AT&T again.doc 2000
bonds.doc 2000
Cable fee.doc 2000
Campaign promises.doc 2000
cell phones.doc 2000
Choice.doc 2000
Consumption.doc 2000
Conventions.doc 2000
D St.doc 2000
debates.doc 2000
Doctor No.doc 2000
Ebooks.doc 2000
Election eve.doc 2000
Farmland.doc 2000
Free leadership.doc 2000
G services.doc 2000
Gone.doc 2000
Growth.doc 2000
Guns.doc 2000
history.doc 2000
Hotel.doc 2000
Housing.doc 2000
Hub again.doc 2000
July 00.doc 2000
Life after B.doc 2000
Magic.doc 2000
Measure B.doc 2000
Med errors.doc 2000
Millennium.doc 2000
New council.doc 2000
Nov 2000.doc 2000
Old.doc 2000
Orwell.doc 2000
Paradoxes.doc 2000
People.doc 2000
Population.doc 2000
Roman circus.doc 2000
Running out.doc 2000
Small Farms.doc 2000
Special interests.doc 2000
The Hub.doc 2000
Thumbs.db 2000
Timing.doc 2000
Tourist eyes.doc 2000
Truth.doc 2000
Two sides.doc 2000
unintended cons.doc 2000
volunteer army.doc 2000
Water 2.doc 2000
Water.doc 2000
Who.doc 2000
Airport security.htm 2001
All about.htm 2001
American Taliban.htm 2001
Bankers.doc 2001
Bribe.doc 2001
Cloning.htm 2001
Compromise.doc 2001
Council direction.doc 2001
Dependent.doc 2001
Doctor's dollars.doc 2001
Donor states.htm 2001
Elsewhere.htm 2001
Energy.doc 2001
ER.htm 2001
Flying.htm 2001
Follow the money.htm 2001
Games.htm 2001
General Plan .doc 2001
Gimmee a break.doc 2001
Hooray.doc 2001
Hooray.htm 2001
Inevitable.doc 2001
Lockbox.htm 2001
Lonely.doc 2001
Lonely.htm 2001
Media.doc 2001
Methane.doc 2001
Methane.htm 2001
Military tribunal.htm 2001
Milkcan.doc 2001
Milkcan.htm 2001
Misc 121.htm 2001
Money waste.doc 2001
money waste.htm 2001
More WTC.htm 2001
News.doc 2001
News.htm 2001
Numbers.htm 2001
Open space 601.doc 2001
Open Space 601.htm 2001
Opportunity.doc 2001
Opportunity.htm 2001
Other hand.doc 2001
Overload.doc 2001
Petaluma streets.doc 2001
Petaluma streets.htm 2001
Sept 11.htm 2001
Service.htm 2001
Silver lining.htm 2001
Snow job.doc 2001
Solutions.doc 2001
Son of Rural Heritage Initiative .doc 2001
Stem cells.htm 2001
Suburbs.htm 2001
Sustainability.doc 2001
Thumbs.db 2001
Trade offs.doc 2001
Trails.htm 2001
Transit myth.htm 2001
Water rates.htm 2001
Wildebeest.htm 2001
WTC misc.htm 2001
Your money.htm 2001
A new year.htm 2002
Air quality.htm 2002
Airlines.htm 2002
anwar.htm 2002
Attack Iraq.htm 2002
Attitude.htm 2002
Cader.htm 2002
Christmas 2002.htm 2002
City budget.htm 2002
City planning.htm 2002
Cleanup column.htm 2002
Cost of service.htm 2002
Council makeup.htm 2002
Dual std.htm 2002
Election 02.htm 2002
Fourth of July.htm 2002
Front page news.htm 2002
Funeral.htm 2002
Global warming2.htm 2002
Greed.htm 2002
Growth.htm 2002
If I could trust.htm 2002
inexpensive.htm 2002
Keep them working.htm 2002
Letter to editor.htm 2002
Liberals and conservatives.htm 2002
Magic money.htm 2002
Majority.htm 2002
Media.htm 2002
Mid east.htm 2002
Misc 102.htm 2002
Movies VS real life.htm 2002
Moynihan.htm 2002
National health care.htm 2002
Nineteen eighty four plus.htm 2002
no good deed.htm 2002
Paranoia.htm 2002
Parking Problem.htm 2002
PCA.htm 2002
Poorer.htm 2002
Pro auto.htm 2002
progressives.htm 2002
Road tax.htm 2002
Saddam.htm 2002
six months.htm 2002
sprawl.htm 2002
Street improvements.htm 2002
Street repair delays.htm 2002
Streets.htm 2002
They don't know.htm 2002
Too close to call.htm 2002
Ultimate moratorium.htm 2002
CAC.htm 2003
Campaign finance reform.htm 2003
Checker or chess.htm 2003
City expenses.htm 2003
CPSP.htm 2003
Economic accident.htm 2003
Eye on the ball.htm 2003
Good traffic.htm 2003
Iraq thoughts.htm 2003
Iraq.htm 2003
Job spiral.htm 2003
Kenilworth or city.htm 2003
Lakeville casino.htm 2003
Laugh or cry.htm 2003
Local terror.htm 2003
Moynihan.htm 2003
N Korea.htm 2003
New Year 2003.htm 2003
Pick on the council.htm 2003
Political cruise.htm 2003
Prop 13 and today.htm 2003
Random thoughts.htm 2003
Security.htm 2003
Solve 101.htm 2003
Tax cascade.htm 2003
Template.htm 2003
Three stories.htm 2003
Utility tax.htm 2003
A lot is going on.doc 2004
After the election.doc 2004
Ballot decisions.doc 2004
Bonds and taxes 04.doc 2004
Build Rainier.doc 2004
bye bye petaluma.doc 2004
Catch 22.doc 2004
Catching up.doc 2004
Comments on council.doc 2004
Density.doc 2004
Downtown404.doc 2004
E Washington Place.doc 2004
Fair meeting.doc 2004
Fear.doc 2004
Found money.doc 2004
General Plan mtg.doc 2004
General something.doc 2004
Housing.doc 2004
Interchange 504.doc 2004
Iraq 504.doc 2004
Iraq casualties.doc 2004
Kenilworth feb 02.doc 2004
Martha.doc 2004
Misc 804.doc 2004
More taxes.doc 2004
Number one.doc 2004
Pavlov.doc 2004
Pay attention.doc 2004
Planning and politics.doc 2004
Power politics.doc 2004
Price of war.doc 2004
Rainier mar04.doc 2004
Rambling thoughts.doc 2004
Rant 604.doc 2004
School land.doc 2004
Steel wheel 304.doc 2004
Streets and traffic.doc 2004
Surrender.doc 2004
Swimming pool.doc 2004
View corridors.doc 2004
Wasted studies.doc 2004
Why do they hate us.doc 2004
Windsor.doc 2004
Affordable housing.doc 2005
Auto mall sign.doc 2005
Committees.doc 2005
Correction.doc 2005
dollars.doc 2005
downtown may 05.doc 2005
Earthday.doc 2005
End of year 2005.doc 2005
Forgive them.doc 2005
Good judgement.doc 2005
Impending gridlock.doc 2005
Information underload.doc 2005
Mickey mouse.doc 2005
myth.doc 2005
New pool.doc 2005
Open space.doc 2005
Parking problem.doc 2005
Petaluma is changing.doc 2005
pool,theater,water,garbage.doc 2005
Railing against rail.doc 2005
Revised underload.doc 2005
School salads.doc 2005
September update.doc 2005
Special money.doc 2005
Things to think about.doc 2005
Time goes by.doc 2005
Train coming.doc 2005
A bit of this and that.doc 2006
Day after election3.doc 2006
Election column 06.doc 2006
ewp schedule.doc 2006
General Plan Update 2.doc 2006
Graffitti.doc 2006
Hispanics and cars.doc 2006
Immigration piece.doc 2006
Let' be smart about SMART.doc 2006
Nanny Government.doc 2006
New year's flood.doc 2006
November 06 elections.doc 2006
Old news 2.doc 2006
Open space 06 sent.doc 2006
osd 06.doc 2006
Police reports.doc 2006
Pomo casino.doc 2006
Price of not paying attention.doc 2006
Secrecy.doc 2006
SMART plays dumb.doc 2006
Something we should know 2.doc 2006
The nature of floods.doc 2006
The weir did it.doc 2006
There is a solution to every problem.doc 2006
Visitors Center.doc 2006
A lot of little things.doc 2007
Alcohol sales in Petaluma.doc 2007
Blight inspections.doc 2007
Budget General Plan etc.doc 2007
city council feb 07.doc 2007
Death by a thousand cuts.doc 2007
Do it now.doc 2007
Fairgrounds lease-final.doc 2007
KP and city.doc 2007
New England vacation.doc 2007
New Years 2007.doc 2007
Other peoples money 307A.doc 2007
Police,gangs, water.doc 2007
School tax final.doc 2007
Sept 10 water conservation mtg.doc 2007
Silk mill.doc 2007
Things aren't as they used to be.doc 2007
Unappreciated council.doc 2007
Use less pay more.doc 2007
Vacant seat.doc 2007
Water rates and petition.doc 2007
Water rates and programs.doc 2007
WATER WARS 2.doc 2007
Wrapup 07.doc 2007
CIR.doc 2008
City employee layoff.doc 2008
Election column.doc 2008
Fairgrounds deal 0807.doc 2008
Goal setting.doc 2008
Here we go again.doc 2008
Housing fees.doc 2008
Housing information.doc 2008
How city hall works.doc 2008
Items still pending.doc 2008
lead time revised.doc 2008
New Years 08.doc 2008
Newspapers of the future.doc 2008
November water ballot.doc 2008
Pub 09 2008
REVISION.doc 2008
Road diets McDowell.doc 2008
Setting an example.doc 2008
SMART 08.doc 2008
Times have changed.doc 2008
Traffic and Water.doc 2008
Unsafe bicycle conditions.doc 2008
Use less pay more.doc 2008
Water rates measure.doc 2008
What's going on at city hall.doc 2008
You didn't miss anything.doc 2008
Pub 09/New Year 2009.doc 2008
Pub 09/_vti_cnf/New Year 2009.doc 2008
Bottled water2.doc 2009
Budget 2.doc 2009
City economic development plans.doc 2009
Fiscal crisis and organization.doc 2009
No more planning.doc 2009
Public retirement revised.doc 2009
Restructure city operations.doc 2009
Water shortage 2009.doc 2009
Wrong again.doc 2009

Jack Balshaw (1935 to 2013)
